Tooth Extraction NYC
We always want to do what is necessary to take care of our teeth and have a healthy smile. In most cases when there is a problem Dr. Zidile or Dr. Gordon can perform a procedure to repair a tooth, teeth, the gums or whatever is necessary to avoid an ongoing issue. In some cases a tooth extraction is necessary or is perhaps the best option. Brooklyn Periodontics & Implant Dentistry provides pain free services in New York.
“We want our patients to have a pain-free experience with any procedure!”
Dr. Zidile utilizes conservative extraction techniques with the aid of periotomes, microsurgical elevators, and as of 1/2014, the Benex extraction method.
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When is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?
At Brooklyn Periodontics & Implant Dentistry we specialize in cutting edge procedures to repair teeth and gums. Procedures like root canals and restorative dentistry can be performed when there is nerve damage or a cosmetic defect to a tooth but when extensive decay is present under the gum line, the tooth is cracked or damaged, severe periodontal disease is present, or if a tooth is infected; an extraction is recommended.
Tooth extraction NYC – Tooth extraction is usually relatively straightforward, and the vast majority can be usually performed quickly while the individual is awake by using local anesthetic injections to eliminate any pain.
When Dr. Zidile or Dr. Gordon does the tooth extraction NYC, your mouth and gums will be completely numb. There is no pain during the procedure, only pressure while the tooth is moved. Following the procedure there may be some discomfort that can easily be remedied with Advil or Tylenol.
In our office Dr. Zidile or Dr. Gordon can gently move the tooth and cause the extraction, usually in just a couple of minutes. When a dentist performs an extraction they do not actually “pull the tooth.” The tooth is gently nudged with pressure and the ligaments that hold the tooth in place gently release and the tooth comes out.
How much pain is there after a tooth extraction?
The discomfort following a tooth extraction is minimal, everyone is different but even the patient with the most discomfort says that an over-the-counter pain medication like Advil or Tylenol eases the pain to where they do not notice. Every person is unique and everyone responds differently to a tooth extraction NYC. The procedure for wisdom teeth extraction for example won’t cause much discomfort for the top teeth since the bone supporting the upper wisdom teeth is soft. There’s generally a very minimal discomfort associated with an upper wisdom tooth extraction. The bone supporting lower wisdom teeth however may be a slightly more uncomfortable feeling afterwards because the lower jaw bone is very dense and it is common to experience some pain and discomfort for a day or two following a lower wisdom tooth extraction. Often pain medications can be prescribed to eliminate any discomfort as we want you to feel comfortable as possible as you recover. If you need a tooth extraction NYC, give us a call.
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Aftercare instructions
After an extraction, the gums need a few weeks to heal. A soft diet is recommended for the first few days following a tooth extraction and then gradually working your way up to a regular diet. The first 24 hours are the most important; do not spit, smoke, or use a straw for any reason. The first 24-48 hours are so important because while the blood clot is forming in the socket we want to keep the area clean and the clot intact. Be sure to avoid putting any pressure on the clot. Spitting, using a straw to drink, or smoking can displace a blood clot and create a dry socket which can be very painful.
Obviously we want the site to heal quickly and not cause any pain. A dry socket can be treated by placing a medicated dressing over the extraction socket which will ease the pain and discomfort while the extraction site heals. If you’re having any pain in any of your teeth for three or more days for any reason, you should contact a dentist. The same is true following a tooth extraction NYC, if you’re having any pain for 3 or more days please contact a dentist immediately.
How can I replace my missing tooth with an implant?
Afterwards many feel self-conscious about a gap being where the missing tooth was in their smile. If you choose to do nothing the other teeth will slowly shift into the empty space sometimes creating spaces between other teeth. This movement is very slow process and can take a long time to notice. Upper teeth tend to shift downwards to fill in the area and teeth on either side may also lean inwards to help take up the space. An implant is generally recommended and is the best when replacing a tooth after a tooth extraction. Dr. Zidile is an expert in creating implants and correcting issues with previous extractions or implants. The normal wait time for an implant after a tooth extraction is four months to allow the bone to grow in and fill the area correctly before we place a dental implant.
Sometimes an implant can be placed immediately on the same day as the extraction. Dr. Zidile may also recommend a bone graft at the time of the extraction to facilitate implant placement and proper healing/growth.
“Some teeth need to be extracted because they are severely decayed; others may have advanced periodontal disease, or have broken in a way that cannot be repaired.” – Dr. Zidile
Ask Dr. Zidile to discuss more details with you regarding this common dental procedure.